The relation of humanity's dependence on the ocean and other water bodies implies an increasing demand for knowledge of these environments. Just as sustainable energy alternatives can come from the ocean, so does the environmental pressure generated by pollutants such as oil and urban effluents. Environmental studies involving numerical modeling are considered low cost, in addition to allowing the investigation of large spatial and temporal domains. The present proposal has the objective of enabling the development of hydrodynamic studies, wave climate, transport of properties (pollutants or not) and the behavior of oil spots in the ocean and other water bodies of the Brazilian coast. The innovative nature of the proposal will be, firstly, the execution of this type of study for domains covering the entire coast of Brazil simultaneously and/or for long periods. This approach will allow regional analyzes to maintain the level of spatial detail and simulation time required for the investigation of coastal processes. The scientific issues addressed have direct application to government agencies and private investments. Results of hydrodynamic and wave simulations will be analyzed considering the feasibility of the installation of wave and current energy conversion sites on the Brazilian continental shelf. The simulation of dispersion of pollutants is in the interest of both environmental sanitation companies and any industrial activity that emits effluents. Numerical modeling of oil stains is a requirement for the preparation of contingency plans required for the licensing of activities involving oil extraction and transportation in marine and coastal regions. The studies will be developed in the Laboratory of Numerical Analysis and Dynamic Systems, where we work specifically with the free modeling system TELEMAC-MASCARET ( This free system allows the use of computational models capable of calculating hydrodynamic flows with high precision using the finite element method to solve their equations. In addition, we have developed our own computational modules coupled to the TELEMAC-MASCARET system, when TELEMAC itself is not enough to meet our demands. The relevance of the topics addressed to current scientific issues worldwide and the use of a modeling system that represents the state of the art for the simulations to be carried out ensures that the results can be published in international journals with high impact factor. Partnerships signed by LANSD with other oceanographic research laboratories further ensure that field data required for calibration and validation of simulations will be available. In addition, the team has members trained to process remote sensing data, which will be incorporated into the calibration and validation methods of the simulations (Project number: SDUMONT-2017-C01 #166515)..